Voice howl wallowing grandmother granddaughter trucks grinding and die a horrible death in the face
The incident took place at the village commune rays Battambang Provincial oak ea Sampovloun District.
A witness said that they saw a girl of 4 people are playing by the roadside, but the girl was standing close roads oldest suddenly a car flexible take land a known driver apartments the age of 35 living in darkened, Khum Chrey Seima Loun district of Battambang, drove hedges roads bruise on the girl on one side of the tire causing a broken rods die horrific face.
Dangerous driving and drove to the abandoned house and fled . Police took the car to save its owner to handle the vehicle and arrested the driver punished according to the law .Welcome to www.dailypusts.blogspot.com Welcome to online blog. It's not a commercial purpose but it's our ambition to promote Cambodia Songs to the world for providing you entertainment with huge selections of news, songs, video clips and Khmer Traditional Music, technical. We have great selections which are popular ever among music lovers. Dailypusts.blogspot.com is online blog mark people happy and posts every think news and funny. We post about technology news , training , how to make money online that explain with text and picture and videos in Khmer language