Over the palace! The two houses ...

Over the palace! The two houses are good girls 'Dr. Kwan Print' own beauty business.

Back together again with nobility Town column to be taken to turn these homes sited nobility leading Thailand. This time we are taking to invade the home of celebrity couple students' Dr. Print - morale. Chit pure merit 'that many people saw it, cried with one voice short of amazing ... pretty spectacular!

If people do not listen to her ears. I wonder who she is? We are starting to hear that.She is good with it Eldest daughter '. Dr. manifest - VARAPORN. Chit pure merit ' two leaders. And founder of the conglomerate hospital Navamin 9, which not only will she brilliantly orchestrated. (As parents) to end the age of 26 to the doctor recently in the field of Public Health (Public Health) from Chulalongkorn University. Previously, she also won two Masters crown the success of the first she was. Major European law(International Law) from the Faculty of Law Chulalongkorn University And the second on International Health Management, where she was to fly on to university, Imperial College (Imperial College), England.

After graduation Now she has created a beauty of its own in the name Virtal Glow: Skin & Aesthetic under hospital Navamin 9 (of parents) because she saw the importance of the modern woman should be conscious care. health from the inside out, seriously. The response was quite pleasant to be launched shortly after.

Dr. Print - morale. Chit pure merit 'it's brilliant. Owner Beauty Virtal Glow: Skin & Aesthetic.

At 10 o'clock in the morning on a clear day. clear Wireless noise disturbance We have to make an appointment with a printed morale luxurious home of her well believe that the home front was just gasped to a ritzy luxury then. The large two-story home on spacious grounds. With garage, front yard and small ponds. Stylish home You're in the home theater without distortion. She took us on a walk around the house and noticed that.
Each zone in her house all decorated in a style Louis. Whether it's a living room, dining room, living room, bedroom or even her own. She said that the decoration (Decoration) style home is your mother's idea. Concept in Their own modern house recently built new. And I was like, this is not a decorative design.
Just saw the house was 'WoW' then!
When the opportunity to relax after a long walk. Drinking cold water quenching is completed. We began to talk to her lifestyle. The Extreme Degree with four leaf beauty Virtal Glow is going to be pretty. As well as decorative Louise super luxury living with open player's VIP level at all times. We guarantee that Here is another interview full flavor. And many people who know her more personally. Maybe I could not, you know that many people think!

Home theater, it's me. What colossal resurfaced

Part one: a life of work 
Q: Lifestyle weekend chill. What does
our lifestyle is not anything much wrong. In addition to exercises like running, we are working very well. Some work was done back home some day or night a little home work and then sleep. Lives in your bedroom. Bedroom itself Just exercise Working day expired. This exercise is focused on health. Do not be a puppet six pack anything. We love to play sports like tennis, golf, swimming, this is very good. (Laughs smile), but after that, I did not. It will lose teeth
Now it's really in our head whether to stop or not to stop working. I will think about business all the time. Now we are crazy to do business, because I just graduated. And wanted to make money on their own. Therefore, the goal of our lives at the moment is that new business yet to hit the market in other countries get. There was no one else really We never get tired Or stressed at work because we enjoy it and want to do it.

Love it? =).

Q: This is a business that handles all the very few
, if any. I have only A beauty clinic, we constructed a Virtal Glow: Skin & Aesthetic the top three in the hospital Navamin 9 (that is, your parents) and it was a clinic about beauty. Skin care - all shape yet. This brings us to 4-6 months and the response was quite good as well. But we have time to take care of in the hospital. And your parents are too gradual to study a little bit.
At the hospital We can assist in the care of patients from foreign patients from China, such as patients from Libya. Make him feel at ease with us nearby. And in marketingInternational Marketing is now open in the AEC and therefore we have to expand to international markets. We have a project that is open to the general clinic or small hospital (Poly Clinic) in Burma. Now we can begin to study the Market Research section of the national patient some time as well. And further, it is international law that we need to study more.

Over my home grand!

Q: home-style Louis has this idea come from?
It really is your mother's idea, since the house is newly minted. I wanted to keep it as it would be seen that if the White House focused shades of gold. Because you like the style of Louis Modern semi little. It is purely a personal preference 
ask now is if you want to change the Modern to it. I wanted the house is fine. It is important that home care easier. People like you are the very decorative. Maybe I did not buy any. I would like to buy a little idea how much (laughing), but now you have a feeling that it's already too cluttered. Even the more cluttered I want to organize a new house with a modern style so now. And try to have a gift to a minimum. In order to make a house look clean as possible.

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